Today's forecast at (local time) - Shower or two.

Station Status

Page Status:
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature ()  °C
Apparent temperature  °C
Heat index  °C
Inside temperature  °C
Temperature and Humidity
Dew point  °C
Wind chill  °C
Humidity %
Inside humidity %
Rainfall Totals
Rainfall today  mm
Rainfall in last hour  mm
Rainfall this month  mm
Rainfall this year  mm
Rainfall rate  mm/h
Last rained Today
wet days
dry days
Wind Speed
Wind 10 min gust  km/h
Wind 10 min avg  km/h
Wind Direction
Wind bearing °
Dominant direction
Wind run today  Km
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer  hPa
Pressure (sea level)
Today's high pressure  hPa
Today's low pressure  hPa
Solar radiation W/m²
UV index
Sun shining?
Solar Totals
Sunshine today hrs
Evapotranspiration today mm

Weather Forecast by BOM logo

Weather Forecast by BOM logo

Day Min Max Rain Forecast
Tuesday 25 °C 60%   Shower or two.icon
Wednesday 14 °C 25 °C 70%  0-5 mm Shower or two.icon
Thursday 14 °C 26 °C 80%  0-6 mm Showers increasing.icon
Friday 17 °C 26 °C 80%  1-10 mm Showers easing.icon
Saturday 13 °C 21 °C 40%  0-1 mm Possible shower.icon
Sunday 11 °C 20 °C 20%   Partly cloudy.icon
Monday 10 °C 27 °C 10%   Partly cloudy.icon
Issued: 9:36 am Tuesday October 15    Next routine issue: 4:05 pm Tuesday October 15