System Information

Error Data
Station Data Feed Data OK - age is 0 seconds
Data was read from station 26/04/2024 16:39:28
Latest Error Spike removal: Rate value = 1280.00 SpikeMaxRainRate = 999.00
Error Time Tuesday 7:32 AM

Davis Hardware
Station Type Davis Vantage Pro2+
Total ISS data packets 22971
Missed ISS data packets 114
Good packets from ISS 99.2 %
Console & ISS resync's 0
Longest streak of good packets 936
ISS packets with CRC errors 68
Console firmware version 3.15
Console battery condition ok - 4.37 volts
ISS battery condition ok
Realtime Update Interval 5 seconds
Full Update Interval 1 minutes
Last Update Time 26/04/2024 16:39:28
Log Rollover Time midnight

System Info
OS Version Mac OS X v10.11.6
CPU 4 cores (8 Logical)
CPU utilisation 4.57% user, 3.75% sys, 91.66% idle
Memory Used n/a
Disk Space Remaining 872Gb
Server Uptime 57 days 17:57
Cumulus Version (Build) v3.16.0 (3182)
Cumulus CPU %
Cumulus Memory
Cumulus Uptime 57 days 16 hours